Recents in Beach

Delayed Puberty

Delayed Puberty

💠 Causes -

📌 Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism -

👉 Gonadal Dysgenesis, 45XO

👉 Pure gonadal Dysgenesis, 46XX, 46XY

👉 Ovarian failure, 46XX

📌 Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism -

👉 Intracranial tumors 

👉 Craniopharyngioma

 ðŸ‘‰ Hypothyroidism

👉 Constitutional delay

👉 Chronic illness, Malnutrition

👉 Isolated hypogonadotropism ( KALLMANN's SYNDROME)

📌 Eugonadism -

👉 Mullerian agenesis

👉 Imperforate hymen.

👉 Transverse septum

💠 Treatment -

📌 Improvement of general health

📌 Assurance

📌 Treatment of the cause

📌 Cases with Hypogonadism are treated with Cyclic Estrogen for 6 months ; Then Estrogen + Progesterone

#Gynecology #The_Conceptual_Codon

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